Výber jazyka

ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information. Key to serious research, the company has forged a 70-year reputation as a gateway to the world’s knowledge – from dissertations to governmental and cultural archives to news, in all its forms. Its role is essential to libraries and other organizations whose missions depend on the delivery of complete, trustworthy information. ProQuest’s massive information pool, built through partnerships with content creators, is navigated through technological innovations that enable users to quickly find just the right information. The company is currently rolling out the all-new ProQuest® platform, which moves beyond navigation to empower researchers to use, create, and share content - accelerating research productivity. An energetic and fast-growing organization, in 2009 it launched the pioneering Summon™ web-scale discovery service, a boon to academic libraries worldwide. In 2010 ProQuest expanded into corporate and government markets, launching the ProQuest Dialog™ service and acquiring Congressional Information Services and University Publications of America. In early 2011 it acquired ebrary, expanding ProQuest’s content base to include e-books and adding to the technology expertise resident across the enterprise, which also includes such units as Serials Solutions®, RefWorks-COS™, and Bowker®.


EBSCO information services provides a complete and optimized research solution comprised of research databases, e-books and e-journals all combined with the most powerful discovery service and management resources to support the information and collection development needs of libraries and other institutions and to maximize the search experience for researchers and other end users.



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Redakcia časopisu Science & Military prijíma na publikovanie len pôvodné, aktuálne a doposiaľ časopisecky nepublikované vedecké práce.


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Stunning Colors

Všetky príspevky publikované v časopise Science & Military štandardne podliehajú anonymnému recenznému konaniu (double-blind peer reviewed).



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