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The new issue 1/2024 of the Journal Science & Military has been published. (.pdf 6,5 MB)

The deadline for the delivery of the articles to Science & Military 2/2024 is September 2,  2024. Please, send your articles prepared according to guidelines for authors to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Year 2023 statistics (.pdf 218 kB)
Year 2022 statistics (.pdf 268 kB)
Year 2021 statistics (.pdf 298 kB)
Year 2020 statistics (.pdf 278 kB)
Year 2019 statistics (.pdf 368 kB)
Year 2018 statistics (.pdf 168 kB)
Year 2017 statistics (.pdf 430 kB)
Year 2016 statistics (.pdf 330 kB)
Year 2015 statistics (.pdf 200 kB)
Year 2014 statistics (.pdf 25 kB)
Year 2013 statistics (.pdf 20 kB)
Year 2012 statistics (.pdf 23 kB)
Year 2011 statistics (.pdf 79 kB)
Year 2010 statistics (.pdf 25 kB)
Year 2009 statistics (.pdf 35 kB)

For Authors

Flexible Layout

We accept original contributions, not published elsewhere, in English languages for publishing. The contributions must meet the required quality and formal criteria and are subject to an double-blind peer-review process. 


For Reviewers

Stunning Colors

All articles published in the journal Science & Military are reviewed in an anonymous reviewing procedure (double-blind peer review). 



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