1. Scientific articles submitted for publishing have to be original, topical and never been published before.
2. Articles have to be written English language and in accordance with Ethical standards.
3. Length of the article should not exced 6 pages in defined format. Microsoft Word text editor must be used for writing. Articles must be written using Times New Roman, single line spacing and follow the following form: Title -12 point bold capital letters aligned to the center. Full author´s (co-author´s) name – 10 point normal letters aligned to the center. Abstract – 9 point normal letters, extent 3-5 lines. Keywords – 9 point normal letters. The article text – 10 point normal letters. Contact - full autor´s (co-author´s) name, affiliation, e-mail – 9 point normal letters at the end of the article. The article text will be written in 2 columns format with a 75 mm column width and 10 mm empty space separating the columns. The first line of each paragraph must be shifted 5 mm to the right.
4. Upper and lower margins must be set to 25 mm, left and right margins to 25 mm. Select mirror margins. The distance between the header / footer and the page margin must be 12,5 mm, while different odd and even pages must be selected.
5. Photographs for publication must be in black-white (not in color) of excelent quality with good contrast.
6. Equations in the text are also to be written using the equation editor. (Equation must be typed in Microsoft Equation, which is an integral part of Microsoft text editor.) They must be numbered. Numbers are to be enclosed in parentheses and aligned to the right margin of a column.
7. Figures, graphs and tables must be included in the text and numbered and must contain description. Figures must be identified as Fig. 1 followed gradually by the figure description. Graphs must be identified as Graph 1 followed by the graph description. Tables must be identified as Tab. 1, followed by the table description.
8. References must be fully and accurately documented (according to ISO 690). References should be quoted in the text in square brackets and listed in the order they have appeared in the text.
9. The specimen article (Template) can be found on the web-site: http://sm.aos.sk/images/Template.doc can be used as an example of the correct format.
10. The Editorial board will consider submited article in the next scheduled meeting. If it decides to include the article in the next issue it submits the manuscript to the editors for review. The final version (before printing) will be sent to the author for the final revision. The authors are fully responsible for the level of language.
11. Contributions in A4 format edited according to the specimen article should be submitted in one hard copy to the Editorial office and also in electronic form to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
12. The deadlines for the delivery of the articles in calendar year are: March 1 and September 1.